Tips & Tricks To Boost Your Energy Levels

Nutritional Tips & Tricks To Help Boost Energy

Energy levels can vary depending on your age, lifestyle and general health. Stress has a huge impact on how we metabolise food, but also affects the food choices we make. It is very easy to grab something quick and unhealthy when you are pressed for time. Easy ‘go to’ nutrient dense foods include nut butter with apple, oatcakes with hummus, boiled eggs and toast, and the fastest snack of all is a piece of fruit. Having some healthier bars/treats in the house will help you make cleaner choices – if you haven’t tried them before look out for nut butter balls, flapjacks and/or fruit & seed energy bombs.

While it can seem impossible to even think about exercising when you are tired, studies show that the more you move the more energy you will have! Even gentle exercise such as yoga and walking help to make you feel refreshed. During this pandemic it is common for many people to be sitting at a screen for hours on end. Do yourself a favour and allow yourself 5 minutes at the end of each hour for a ‘movement break’. Stretch, walk around the house or do a few jumping jacks on the spot! 

B vitamins are required by the body for normal energy production and they can help with the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Good natural food sources are wholegrains, nuts and seeds, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, meat and eggs. B Complex+ is a supplement which could help if your diet is lacking in these foods

As we age, our natural production of acid declines. This has a knock-on effect for B12 as gastric acidity promotes extraction of B12 from food, allowing it to be absorbed. Furthermore, if you are taking medications which actively discourages acid production in the body (e.g. long term antacids, and/or antidepressants) it would be a good idea to get your B12 levels measured. The signs of B12 deficiency include exhaustion, rapid heartbeat and brain fog amongst other symptoms. Methylcobalamin is the active form of B12 compared to other synthetic versions which are often recommended over the counter.

Sometimes it can be a combination of micro nutrient deficiencies that are making you feel low in energy. You can always ask in your local pharmacy for advice on which nutrient to supplement with if you are unsure. However, Multi Complex is a great product to trial as a first port of call as it contains a generous amount of the nutrients mentioned in our energy blogs. 

If you still feel like you are lacking in energy after following the above suggestions please seek medical advice. There are some illnesses which can directly affect your energy levels (e.g. hypothyroidism). This advice is not a substitute for medical guidance.


Laird EA, O Halloran AM, Carey D, O Connor D. (2018) Voluntary fortification is ineffective to maintain the vitamin B12 and folate status of older Irish adults: evidence from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). British Journal of Nutrition 120(1); 111-120


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